As of February 2023 there are at least six pellet heater retailers in Tasmania. If you’ve searched online or live in Lonnie or Hobart you would have heard of Pellet Fires Tasmania. Below I take a look at the history of Pellet Fires Tasmania, heaters they sell and services they offer to help you decide if that’s the best pellet heater retailer for you. I receive no “kick back” for any information I post on this site. I just want people to know as much about pellet heaters, wood pellets and retailers who sell them before they spend their hard earned money. Visit the Tasmania pellet heater retailer list to find their contact details or see other retailers in Tasmania.

History of Pellet Fires Tasmania
Established in 2001 by Rob Douglas, Pellet Fires Tasmania aimed to bring new pellet heating technology to Tasmania. Recognizing the demand for a specialist consultancy that could provide customized heating solutions, the company opened its showroom and headquarters in Moonah in 2004. Over the years, the product range has grown to encompass all types of heating technologies, including heat pumps, electric, wood, gas, pellet, and solar. PFTAS Pty Ltd was formed in 2006 and continues to operate under the Pellet Fires Tasmania name. In 2012, warehouse facilities were added next to the showroom in Moonah, and branches were opened in Ulverstone and Launceston in 2012 and 2014, respectively.
Pellet Fires Tasmania Locations
Pellet Fires Tasmania has two main outlets in Tasmania and sells their heaters via another retailer in North West Tasmania. Their biggest store is located in Hobart, which is basically their HQ. Their second store is located in Launceston. Both of these outlets sell pellet heaters along with wood pellets and do installations and servicing etc. Central Coast Heating in Ulverstone stocks and sells Pellet Fires Tasmania pellet heaters. Central Coast Heating is a reseller, so it’s a different business with a range of pellet heater brands along with wood heaters. So, if you live in Hobart or Lonnie you’ll deal directly with Pellet Fires Tasmania. If you are near Ulverstone, you can buy their heaters from Central Coast Heating.
Pellet Fires Tasmania Models and Services
Don’t let the name fool you. Pellet Fires Tasmania sells a range of heaters and other household heating and cooking appliances. This includes electric heaters, gas heaters, hot water system, outdoor cooking stoves, pellet heaters and wood heaters. However, I’m only going to focus on their pellet heaters, as this is a pellet heater website 🙂 They sell a range of pellet heaters, which includes freestanding an insert pellet heaters, these are the normal ones you buy and place in a lounge or fireplace, but they also sell hydronic pellet boilers, which are connected to radiators in bedrooms and transfer heat throughout your house via hot water in the radiators.
Pellet Heater Models
Here’s a quick look at what they sell as of Februrary 2023:
- Sampson hydronic pellet boiler 18kw to 50kw
- Sapphire 13kw freestanding pellet heater
- Grace 13kw freestanding and inbuilt pellet heater
- Wellington 13kw freestanding pellet heater
- Maxi 12kw freestanding pellet heater
- Midi 9kw freestanding pellet heater
- Mini 6kw freestanding pellet heater
- Matilda 6kw freestanding pellet heater
It’s an extensive range of normal pellet heaters which are space heaters and heat a room via hot air, but also a Sampson hydronic pellet boiler range, which can heat water or a combination of air and water. Maximum heat output of the models ranges from 6kw up to 50kw.
Pellet Heater Warranty
You’ll get a 5 year part warranty and 1 year labour warranty with all of their pellet heaters. That is good because there are some other retailers out there that sell expensive European pellet heaters which can be up to twice the cost but only come with a 1 year warranty.
Pellet Heater Services and Parts
Pellet Fires Tasmania not only sell pellet heaters but back them up with a range of services. They have qualified installers to ensure your heater is installed according to code. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, pellet heaters need to be cleaned and they offer an annual maintenance service where they will visit your home and service your heater on site. Their service staff are in-house, meaning they work for Pellet Fires Tasmania and are not contracted out. If you want to save money you can also bring your pellet heater to them and they’ll service it in store for a flat rate. Finally, they stock a range of parts, so if your pellet heater breaks down they can repair it in your home for you or if you can do it yourself they sell the parts you can buy to fix it yourself.
They also offer information on how to service your pellet heater yourself. There’s a basic guide which details what to clean, how often you should clean it and other servicing requirements. There aren’t any videos and the information is a bit lacking in detail, so I would be careful if you know nothing about pellet heaters and don’t feel comfortable servicing it yourself. However, the fact they provide any information on what and how to clean your pellet heater is great. I’ve mentioned this elsewhere but I am all for people doing DIY servicing on their pellet heaters, just as long as they do it properly, and Pellet Fires Tasmania at least provides some information to help you do this.
Wood Pellet Prices and Services
In addition to pellet heaters, they also sell a range of wood pellets. Currently, they only stock EcoPellets wood pellets, which come in hardwood, premium (50/50 hardwood and software) or pine (100% softwood). They have sold other wood pellet brands in the past and continue to offer the absolute best prices on wood pellets anywhere in Tasmania. They currently have the absolute cheapest wood pellet prices. I won’t list prices as by the time you read this article they may have changed, but no other retailer sells pellets at regular prices as cheap as Pellet Fires Tasmania does.
Prices for pellets are per bag and is a flat rate. It doesn’t matter how many bags you buy, there’s just a single flat rate per bag price. If you buy a pellet of pellets you won’t get a discount. If you live in Hobart they can also arrange delivery of a pallet of pellets. However, there is a fee for this and it is only available in limited areas in Hobart. If you are looking for the cheapest wood pellets and live in either Lonnie or Hobart, then Pellet Fires Tasmania can’t be beat on pellet prices.
Pellet Fires Tasmania Pellet Club
The Pellet Club loyalty program rewards customers every time they buy wood pellets. For every dollar spent, customers earn one point, which is automatically recorded in their account. Points can be redeemed for a 5 cent per point discount off any service work, equating to a 5% benefit. For instance, a customer who spends $1,000 on pellet fuel can use a $50 credit towards their annual service costs. Points cannot be redeemed for cash. However, you must have purchased a pellet heater from Pellet Fires Tasmania to get a club card. You can’t buy a heater from another retailer and then get the 5% in points if you buy wood pellets from Pellet Fires Tasmania.
Pellet Club members also get a discount on servicing. As a Pellet Club member, you are eligible for a 20% discount on the cost of annual maintenance services and parts used from September to February. This is a great opportunity as you most likely won’t be using or will only be using your heater rarely during these months. It’s a good time to either get your pellet heater serviced by Pellet Fires Tasmania or to do it yourself. Either way you save money. By having your heater serviced during this time, you can ensure it is in top condition and ready to go when you need it.
Pellet Club members also have access to a referral program. The referral program is a way you can to earn rewards for spreading the word about our pellet heaters. If you have a friend or family member in need of a new heater, simply give them your referral card you should have gotten when purchasing a heater from Pellet Fires Tasmania. If they take the card into the store when buying a pellet heater, both you and your friend will receive a $100 credit on your respective accounts. Not many pellet heater retailers, if any, in Tasmania offer anything like this.
Finally, Pellet Club members also have a special re-installation offer. If you move to a new home, you can keep your Pellet Club membership. A new card will be issued to the new occupants of the house you moved out of, allowing them to continue receiving Pellet Club benefits because they get the pellet heater with the house. If you choose to purchase a new pellet heater for your new home within a year, they waive the installation fee. Installation fees for a pellet heater are around $500 – $600 depending, so it’s a considerable saving.
My Thoughts on Pellet Fires Tasmania
Pellet Fires Tasmania is the longest running Tasmanian pellet heater retailer that is still in business today. They clearly want to support and encourage the adoption of pellet heaters in Tasmania. Their service staff are all in-house, so the company knows the importance of spending money to train staff to service and maintain pellet heaters properly. I don’t think any other retailer in Tasmania offers a 5 year warranty like they do. They also stock a range of parts at very reasonable prices, so you can fix your pellet heater yourself if that’s something you want to do. Finally, they offer great prices on pellets and have a range of “reward point” systems to help you save money.
Are they the cheapest pellet heater retailer in Tasmania? No, they aren’t. You can buy pellet heaters cheaper elsewhere like at Bass Pellet Heaters. Are they the most expensive retailer in Tasmania? No, they definitely aren’t and there are retailers out there selling Piazzetta pellet heaters and Palazzetti pellet heaters which can cost up to twice as much. Obviously which retailer you buy from is something you will have to decide. However, it’s clear Pellet Fires Tasmania offers great service and support for their heaters and wants to see the industry continue to grow.
Pellet heater service guide PFTAS website
Bass Pellet Heaters website