Looking for some pellet heater reviews before before you take the plunge and buy one? If you are considering to buy a pellet heater then you’ve come to the right place. Below you will find a short summary and links to all the pellet heater reviews that I’ve created on this website. I’ll keep this list updated as I write more reviews. Pellet heaters are great (I think the best but anyway) heaters but there are many different models and sized heaters out there. What’s right for you may not be the right pellet heater for me and the space I want to heat. These reviews will hopefully help answer some questions you have.

Best Pellet Heaters in Australia
If you live outside of Tasmania and are looking to get a pellet heater, then definitely start with the best pellet heaters in Australia review I wrote. You’ll find that the pellet heaters listed in this review should be available anywhere in Australia, or at least closer than the models we have in Tasmania but aren’t available on the mainland. I break the categories of heaters down into:
- Best Budget – this is a great heater for those on a budget and don’t want to break the bank. It’s by no means a “lemon” and will provide enough heat and come with enough features for just about everyone while not costing the earth.
- Best Value – if you are looking for the best of everything and don’t want to break the bank, the best value heater would be this one and what I recommend to most people. It’s not a budget heater but also isn’t overly expensive. Also, it has good heat output and other features. This would be a safe choice to start with if it’s your first pellet heater.
- Best Heat – sometimes you just want a lot of heat and that’s exactly what this pellet heater can do. If you have a very large room, house or just like to buy things that are “big”, then check this heater out. It’s not cheap but will provide enough heat for anyone.
- Best Style – it’s not always about features or power. The best style pellet heater was chosen because I understand some people like to have a pellet heater that is different, unique or stands out. This is a beautiful heater that will definitely turn heads and get your friends talking when they see it for the first time and will leave an impression on them.
- Best Insert – finally I think this is the best insert heater. This is a great heater that will fit into many fireplaces and comes packed with features. If you’ve got an old house with an unused fireplace, then check this insert pellet heater out.
Top 5 Pellet Heaters in Tasmania
The top 5 pellet heaters in Tasmania takes a look at what I think are the best heaters in Tasmania for a range of categories. I created this post because we’re lucky in Tasmania and have a range of models not available anywhere else in Australia. If you see a heater in this you like then there’s a good chance the retailer could have it shipped to you but be careful. I always recommend people buy pellet heaters locally or as local as possible because if buying out of state you might find issues with support and service later on.
- Best Budget – I think the Matilda is the best budget pellet heater in Tasmania. Great for those with a small space to heat and on a budget.
- Best Value – The Grace is definitely the winner when it comes to a good value heater that has it all. Not cheap but you get everything: great heat, hopper size and stylish design.
- Best Value Runner Up – For those wanting something different the Maxi is a good runner up. Offering similar heat and hopper size the main difference is in its design.
- Best Value European – If you prefer European pellet heaters then the Palazetti is a great choice. It’s one of the more affordable European heaters available and still comes with good hopper capacity and heat output.
- Best Style – Finally, for those wanting something to wow their friends I’d check out the Piazzetta P944. It’s not cheap but you won’t find many other heaters that look as stunning as this one.
What’s the Best & Smallest Pellet Heater In Australia?
Looking for a small heater because you’ve got a small space or just don’t need a lot of heat? I love my 12kw heater but totally understand sometimes there’s no need for a bigger heater, especially if you’ve got a tiny house, caravan or just a small area. In this review I go over what I think are the best smallest pellet heaters in Australia that fall into the following categories:
- Best Smallest Pellet Heater Overall – my pick of the absolute best small heater you can buy today and it should be available anywhere in Australia.
- Best Smallest Pellet Heater Runner Up – in case you don’t like my number one pick check out what is a very close runner up. A difference of only 2cm.
- Best Smallest Pellet Heater in Tasmania – we’re spoiled in Tasmania because we have pellet heater models not available anywhere else in Australia. This is my top pick for a small heater if you live in Tasmania.
Best Heater for a Tiny House?
This is a good review for the best heater for a tiny house. Tiny houses present a unique heating problem. They aren’t huge, are usually well insulated and there’s limited space, meaning the bigger the heater the more precious space you lose. I go into detail in this post about why I think pellet heaters are great for tiny houses and honestly I think they are much better for heating tiny houses than small wood heaters people usually buy. Definitely read this if you have or are thinking of living in a tiny house and wondering about heating options.
What Makes a Heater Energy Efficient?
A quick review of what makes a heater energy efficient and how that can help you pick a truly efficient heater, like a pellet heater. When it comes to heating energy efficiency, there’s a lot of BS marketing out there and I think it is done deliberately to confuse people and basically trick them into buying something that isn’t energy efficient. For me, energy efficiency means affordable to run and that means you need to understand what energy efficiency is and how the cost of fuel relates to that.
Are Expensive Pellet Heaters Better?
Not a review per se but instead a look at how some think expensive pellet heaters are better. If you are yet to buy a pellet heater and have noticed a huge price difference between Chinese made heaters and European brands then check this post out. I highlight some important points about brand name or expensive pellet heaters and also point out two other very important things that have nothing to do with price but you definitely need to know about before buying your heater.
Are Chinese Pellet Heaters any Good?
Much like the article above, I take a look at Chinese pellet heaters to try and help you decide if Chinese pellet heaters are any good or should you just fork out the extra money for a European model. You might be surprised about what I touch on regarding Chinese heaters, because there’s a few things Chinese heaters have as standard that European models dont.
Are Piazzetta Pellet Heaters Any Good?
If you live outside of Tasmania then most likely your only choice or the main choice of pellet heaters you have are made by Piazzetta. Piazzetta heaters, if you don’t already know, are very expensive compared to other brands and the price raises the question are Piazzetta pellet heaters any good? It’s a good little post where I break down the different models Piazzetta offers and their features which hopefully will help you navigate the world of Piazzetta heaters. They have a very wide range of models, so this should give you a good understanding of the different ranges they have and their features.
Are Palazzetti Pellet Heaters Good?
Like the Piazzetta review article I wrote above, this one looks at the question are Palazzetti pellet heaters good and worth the extra money? Palazzetti is an Italian made pellet heater which come packed with some very interesting technology and features you won’t find in other pellet heaters, even Piazzetta. However, just like Piazzetta, Palazzetti heaters are expensive. I take a look at the company, their history of making pellet heaters and what makes their heaters stand out from the rest to help you decide if they are worth the added cost.
Grace Pellet Heater Review
The Grace pellet heater is the number one selling pellet heater in Tasmania. It comes in a variety of models and sizes and is sold by Pellet Fires Tasmania and Central Coast heating. In this post I take a look at the four different Grace pellet heater models, break down each one so you can see why it’s such a popular heater and which one would be best for you and your heating needs. It’s truly an amazing and unique pellet heater but sadly is not available outside of Tasmania.
Bass 02 Pellet Heater Review
The Bass 02 pellet heater is an affordable mid-range pellet heater sold by Bass Pellet Heaters in Launceston. It has a decent sized hopper, good heat output and a price that won’t break the bank. In this review I take an dive into the Bass 02, look at some of the features that make it different from other Chinese pellet heaters and give my thoughts on whether or not this heater is worth buying.
Bass 09 Pellet Heater Review
The Bass 09 pellet heater is he big brother of the Bass 02 heater. It is considered a large pellet heater and in addition to the standard features, such as design and colours, found in the Bass 02, the Bass 09 comes with a larger heat output and hopper. Both of these heaters are very similar so I look at them in detail and give you my thoughts on which one is a better buy.
Palazzetti Bianca Lux Review
The Palazzetti Bianca Lux pellet heater is a European made heater that goes up against the famous, or infamous, Piazzetta brand. The Bianca packs a similar amount of heat and hopper capacity as cheaper Chinese made heaters but comes at a much lower price tag than other European brands. Take a look to see if this affordable European heater is right for you.